What Allows Penetration Testing to Work ?

What Allows Penetration Testing to Work

There are several general reasons why penetration tests are successful. Many of them are in the operational area; however, security problems can arise due to deficiencies in any of the three testing areas. A large number of security problems arise due to a lack of awareness on the part of a company’s employees of the company’s policies and procedures regarding information security and protection. If employees and contractors of a company do not know the proper procedures for handling proprietary or sensitive information, they are much more likely to allow that information to be left unprotected. If employees are unaware of the company policies on discussing sensitive company information, they will often volunteer (sometimes unknowingly) information about their company’s future sales, marketing, or research plans simply by being asked the right set of questions. The tester will exploit this lack of awareness and modify the testing procedure to account for the fact that the policies are not well known.

What Allows Penetration Testing to Work ?

In many cases, the subjects of the test will be very familiar with the company’s policies and the procedures for handling information. Despite this, however, penetration testing works because often people do not ad- here to standardized procedures defined by the company’s policies. Al- though the policies may say that system logs should be reviewed daily, most administrators are too busy to bother. Good administrative and security practices require that system configurations should be checked periodically to detect tampering, but this rarely happens. Most security policies indicate minimum complexities and maximum time limits for password, but many systems do not enforce these policies. Once the tester knows about these security procedural lapses, they become easy to exploit.
Many companies have disjointed operational procedures. The processes in use by one organization within a company may often conflict with the processes used by another organization. Do the procedures used by one application to authenticate users complement the procedures used by other applications, or are there different standards in use by different applications? Is the access security of one area of a company’s network lower than that of another part of the network? Are log files and audit records reviewed uniformly for all systems and services, or are some systems monitored more closely than others? All these are examples of a lack of coordination between organizations and processes. These examples can be exploited by the tester and used to get closer to the goal of the test. A tester needs only to target the area with the lower authentication standards, the lower access security, or the lower audit re- view procedures in order to advance the test. 
Many penetration tests succeed because people often do not pay ad- equate attention to the situations and circumstances in which they find themselves. The hacker’s art of social engineering relies heavily on this fact. Social engineering is a con game used by intruders to trick people who know secrets into revealing them. People who take great care in protecting information when at work (locking it up or encrypting sensitive data, for example) suddenly forget about those procedures when asked by an acquaintance at a party to talk about their work. Employees who follow strict user authentication and system change control procedures suddenly “forget” all about them when they get a call from the “Vice President of Such and Such” needing something done “right away.” Does the “Vice President” himself usually call the technical support line with problems? Probably not, but people do not question the need for in- formation, do not challenge requests for access to sensitive information even if the person asking for it does not clearly have a need to access that data, and do not compare the immediate circumstances with normal pat- terns of behavior. 
Many companies rely on a single source for enabling an employee to prove identity, and often that source has no built-in protection. Most companies assign employee identification (ID) numbers to their associates. That number enables access to many services the company has to offer, yet is displayed openly on employee badges and freely given when re- quested. The successful tester might determine a method for obtaining or generating a valid employee ID number in order to impersonate a valid employee. 
Many hackers rely on the anonymity that large organizations provide. Once a company grows beyond a few hundred employees, it becomes increasingly difficult for anyone to know all employees by sight or by voice. Thus, the IT and HR staff of the company need to rely on other methods of user authentication, such as passwords, key cards, or the above-mentioned employee ID number. Under such a system, employees become anonymous entities, identified only by their ID number or their password. This makes it easier to assume the identity of a legitimate employee or to use social engineering to trick people into divulging information. Once the tester is able to hide within the anonymous structure of the organization, the fear of discovery is reduced and the tester will be in a much better position to continue to test. 
Another contributor to the successful completion of most penetration tests is the simple fact that most system administrators do not keep their systems up to date with the latest security patches and fixes for the systems under their control. A vast majority of system break-ins occur as a result of exploitation of known vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities that could have easily been eliminated by the application of a system patch, configuration change, or procedural change. The fact that system operators continue to let systems fall behind in security configuration means that testers will continuously succeed in penetrating their systems. 
The tools available for performing a penetration test are becoming more sophisticated and more widely distributed. This has allowed even the novice hacker to pick up highly sophisticated tools for exploiting system weaknesses and applying them without requiring any technical background in how the tool works. Often these tools can try hundreds of vulnerabilities on a system at one time. As new holes are found, the hacker tools exploit them faster than the software companies can release fixes, making life even more miserable for the poor administrator who has to keep pace. Eventually, the administrator will miss something, and that something is usually the one hole that a tester can use to gain entry into a system.

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